Oak Grove UMC’s Share the Love Food Pantry Ministry was formed initially to support our Community Meals ministry.
Currently we are in Phase 1 of our Share the Love Food Pantry Plan. Donations are distributed into the community through our Community Meals drive-thru Program.​
Phase II will involve partnership with the Foodbank’s Rescue Relief program where we are allowed to receive food donated by local grocery stores. In order for OGUMC to participate in this program OG volunteers must be trained by the Foodbank, and we must invest in additional equipment, keep specific records, and submit monthly reports.
In Phase III we will invite the community to donate to the program. This will involve installing special bins outside of the building for collecting the donations, adding additional distribution teams, and advertising.
What food you CAN donate to Oak Grove UMC’s Food Pantry?​
Any food that is “shelf-stable” or nonperishable – you can keep it in your pantry, and it won’t go bad.
Click here to see a list of items the food pantry regularly needs.​​

What not to donate:
Expired food, only donate food that hasn’t reached its “use by” or “sell-by” date.
Food with packaging concerns: food with damaged packaging such as dented or bloated cans, packaging that has been opened.
Items requiring refrigeration.
How to participate
Donate food (Food Pantry donation bins are located in the hallway to the left of the entrance to Whitehurst Hall.
Volunteer for one of the teams (additional teams will be forming as we roll through each phase of the plan.)