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How To Tag

Please carefully inspect all items before bringing them to the sale. Items with stains, holes, unappealing odors, dysfunctional zippers, animal hair, or any other questionable foreign substances will be rejected. Refer to the list of accepted items for more details.


Appearance matters! Spending a little extra time preparing your items will significantly increase the chances of selling them. Ensure all buttons are buttoned, snaps are fastened, and zippers are zipped. Items that are clean and ironed tend to sell much better. Presenting items in their best possible condition means more $$$ in your pocket!


For non-clothing items, ensure they are in good working condition and have no missing parts.


You MUST use the Oak Grove Consignment Sale tagging system available in your seller’s account. Tags CANNOT be reused from past sales. A new tag must be printed for each item and for each sale.


Things you need:​

  • Oak Grove Consignment Sale seller's account to quickly generate tags

  • Adobe PDF Reader (free) to view and print tags (8 tags per letter-sized paper)

  • MUST use white cardstock paper (medium or heavy weight, 90-110 lbs). Glossy cardstock is not allowed due to ink smears. Items with regular paper tags will not be accepted.

  • A printer (use the fast/draft printing setting to avoid ink smears)

  • Scissors or a paper cutter

  • Saran wrap (for sealing wooden puzzles, book sets, etc.)

  • Safety pins or a tagging gun

  • Hangers (Hangers for SOLD items will NOT be returned to you)

  • Ziplock bags for small items

  • Clear tape

  • Zip ties


Generate Tags

Log in to your seller’s account, navigate to MANAGE ITEMS, and select ADD.





















Select the category from the dropdown menu that best describes your item.


For children's clothing, choose a size from the dropdown menu using sizes 0 to 20 only. Please avoid selecting Small, Medium, or Large, as these are reserved for maternity clothes. If the item fits smaller or larger than the tag indicates, specify the age of the child it fits best.


Brand and Item Description:
Provide brand name and a brief but detailed description (e.g., "Red and white striped polo shirt"). A good description is crucial, especially if the tag becomes separated from the item. At a minimum, always include: color, distinguishing feature, etc.) Avoid vague descriptions like "Shirt," "Bottoms," or "Shoes," as these make it difficult to match items with tags. A detailed description ensures smoother processing and helps maximize your payout.



Your generated tag will display two prices:

  • Cash Price: This is the cost of your item if customer pays with CASH.

  • Regulat Price: This is the cost of the item if paid with a credit card (includes a 3.5% credit card fee).


Regular price will appear automatically on the tag. You only need to enter your desired Cash Price in the form.
















Set your own price. Aim to price items to sell! As a guideline, 30% or less of the retail price is a good starting point. Prices must be at least $2 and increase in $0.50 increments. For smaller items like accessories, consider bundling them together if $2 feels too high for a single item.


Bundle children’s clothing into outfits. For instance, a 3-piece set with a t-shirt, shorts, and pants priced at $6 is likely to sell faster than pricing each item separately at $2 each.


Check this box if you want your item to be sold at 50% off during the final two hours of our half-price sale on Saturday. Remember, Saturday is one of our busiest days, and items not discounted are less likely to sell at this stage.


Check this box to donate the item if it does not sell. Donated items will be given to our selected charity. All items marked for Donation will automatically be marked as Discount items for Saturday half-price sale.


Use this option to quickly generate multiple tags if you have more than one of the same items (same color, size, etc.).


Click "Submit" to add the item to your online inventory. Repeat this process until you’ve added tags for all your items.


Print Tags

  • Please follow these instructions carefully to ensure your tags scan correctly during the sale.

  • Use white cardstock with a weight of 67–110 lbs.

  • Use Oak Grove School tags only.

  • Ensure your printer has an adequate ink supply for crisp printing.

  • Set the printer to black-and-white mode only.

  • Select Draft or Normal print settings, as other settings may cause the barcode to bleed or smear.

  • If all eight tags do not fit on the page, select the "Fit to Page" option.


Hang Clothes

  • Hang all clothing on hangers with the hanger hook facing LEFT. The hanger should resemble a “question mark” when facing you.

  • Use safety pins to secure pants to the hanger, or use pants hangers with clips.

  • Attach tags to the RIGHT side of the clothing (when facing you) using a safety pin or tagging gun. Refer to the diagram below for guidance.

  • When pinning pants alone, pin the waist over the top bar of the hanger to prevent pants from sliding.​

  • Pin sets securely by hanging the shirt first, then turn the hanger over and pin the pants/skirt by the waist to the backside of the hanger. This prevents the clothes from sliding.

  • If using a tagging gun, ensure the tags are attached to the clothing seams to avoid leaving holes.















Tag Items

Toys/Equipment/Loose Items

  • All items must be in working condition and clean.

  • Place any small parts in a clear Ziploc bag. Securely attach the tag to the outside of the bag using clear packaging tape. Do not tape over the barcode.

  • Seal bags with tape to prevent pieces from falling out. Tape only the top part of the tag (above the cutout line) so the barcode section remains accessible. Do not cover, alter, or tape any area of the tag below the cutout line.

  • Baby onesies/pants sell well when packaged in multiples. Neatly place them in a Ziploc bag, seal with tape, and attach the tag securely with tape.



  • Shoes must be clean and in excellent condition (e.g., no missing laces, gems, or broken lights).

  • Secure the pair together using zip ties, sturdy string, or ribbon.

  • Attach the tag with a large safety pin by passing it twice through the middle of the tag and onto the side of the shoe. Alternatively, punch a hole in the tag and thread the zip tie through it.



  • For wooden board puzzles, wrap them completely with plastic wrap (e.g., Saran Wrap) to keep pieces in place. Secure the ends with tape and attach the tag to the outside.

  • For jigsaw puzzles, ensure all pieces are in the box. Tape the box closed and attach the tag to the outside.



  • Tape the tag to the outside of books and DVDs.

  • For multiple books, tape them together or wrap them in plastic wrap to form a set. Then attach the tag to the outside.


Large Items/Furniture

  • Securely tape or tie the tag to the outside of the item.

  • Important: All larger items or furniture must be fully assembled before leaving them at drop-off.


Baby Carriers/Slings

  • Pin these items to a hanger (with the hanger facing the same direction as clothing) using a safety pin to prevent them from falling to the floor.

  • Attach the tag securely to the upper right side of the carrier when viewed from the fron


Loose Items

  • Place items like bibs, bowls, and sippy cups in a clear Ziploc bag. Securely tape the tag to the outside of the bag. Seal the bag to keep items in and hands out.


Smaller Infant Toys

  • Package multiple smaller toys together in a Ziploc bag. Securely attach the tag to the outside of the bag.​​​​​

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