Men's Ministry
United Methodist Men

BRIEF HISTORY From Old Testament times to today, men gather to discuss their faith journeys and find meaning, hope and healing. Small group ministry was an essential element of the Wesleyan movement in England and in “the colonies.” Men’s ministry at a local church level was formally endorsed at the 1908 Methodist Episcopal Church General Conference. In 1996, the General Commission on United Methodist Men (GCUMM) became a separate general agency of the UMC. The ministry program of United Methodist Men is nationally recognized as the largest and most organized in the U.S.
MISSION STATEMENT To make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
PURPOSE To declare the centrality of Christ in every man's life. This is expressed as all men engage in daily Bible Study, witness to Christ in daily work and relationships, and intentional Christian service to others. We want men and every youth in scouting to have an on-growing relationship with Christ. READ MORE
President - Brian Ali
Vice President - Buck Hodges
Treasurer - Clutch Coverdale
Secretary - Matt Midgett
Executive Committee
Facliites Advisor - David Price
Culunary Advisor - Jimmy Lane
Financial Advisor - Clutch Coverdale
Historical Advisor - Buck Hodges
Senior Advisor - George Bowers
Senior Advisor - Phil Morgan
Contact Brian Ali at brian@oakgroveumc.org or
Buck Hodges at kabu7374@verizon.net
for more information.
Oak Grove BBQ, Bake, Craft Sale
November 2024

Oak Grove Men/Womens' Ministries host Childrens' Sabbath/Tailgate
October 2024

Men's Ministry gathering with Speaker Travis Knapp
August 2024

Men's Ministry April Meeting, Cookout & Fellowship at Buck's