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Oak Grove Trustees

Meet Our Team


August 15, 2024

Oak Grove UMC received monetary compensation for an upcoming Battlefield-Great Bridge Blvd construction project. The Finance Committee wisely invested that money. As a result, we've been able to complete several necessary building upgrades.


We've been able to replace all FIVE (5) HVAC units in the Children's Wing building, at a cost of $60,000! The pictures show how difficult the project was.


The second building upgrade consisted of improving the crawlspace under the Historic Sanctuary. The cost of this project was $25,000.


Completed items were:

•Laying 14mil plastic vapor barrier under entire building

•Sealing exterior vents

•Installing 2 dehumidifiers

•Installing a new sump pump that discharges water into the north drainage area

•Installing a heat/humidity monitoring station for both exterior and under sanctuary conditions


Plus, we upgraded our lawn mower which we use to do our own landscaping!


Thanks be to God!

-Oak Grove UMC Trustees Committee

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